Friday, 6 April 2012

NaPoWriMo Poem 6 Day 6 No Room For Racism in the met

Having read today that ten racist allegations have been brought against the metropolitan police I heard Craig Mackey (deputy police commissioner) say “there is no room for racism in the met”

I figured how many times I’ve heard that statement word for word.. no room... this has been a response to  past racist allegations. I thought what do the police actually mean by room? – there is a room! we’ve all seen it... Here’s a freewrite.

There is no room for racism in the met -

It’s not quite a white room. We don’t
know how often it’s cleaned or by whom.

Those walls must keep what they know.

Maybe it’s not a room at all, it’s a train
carriage where you look out the window
and all you see is a window. You listen to
an old white women tell brown passengers
to get off in their own country. This train is
not a ghost - if you don’t believe in it then
it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. But we’ve seen
all its pixels recorded on iphone, video
audio, undeniable as these words say  –  
the thing with being a nigger is that you’ll always
                                 be a nigger. 

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