Tuesday, 16 April 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 16 Poem 12 171 Bus Story

I am sitting on the top deck of the 171 bus
and something is meowing and everyone
is pretending not to hear it,
If there is a wild cat in here we’re all dead!

A man has got on board holding a paper bag of market stall fish.

If he sits near me….

He has sat behind me, my Britishness is keeping me quiet and I am wishing I belonged to a language more culturally assertive, but I think it’s ok because I haven’t heard the meowing for a while.

Maybe it was in my head; maybe it was the ghost of the fur coat the woman in front of me is wearing…

Now the bus is passing a car crash and a small Chinese man is standing with two police officers in the middle of the road, he is telling what happened in interpretive dance, as he star jumps into the air to gesture an explosion.

As the bus turns into the next lane a fox runs into the middle of the road
and we swerve but everyone is remaining British, and I do not mean we were in fox hunting gear, or we started drinking tea, I mean, we are quiet until a man’s phone rings and he picks up (“Bonjour’”) speaking French, and I am wondering what’s his excuse for being quiet all this time?

maybe he has been here too long,
maybe that is what he is saying in French right now,
Marcel, Je suis ici depuis trop longtemps!
              I have been here too long!

At the next bus stop a man gets on and in an American accent asks
fur coat lady if there is a real place called Pimlico because he can’t believe it

and now… I can hear the meowing

TFL Travel Update  -

On Wednesday 18th April at 6pm, the 171 bus will be on diversion. This is due to a road closure as a result of Baroness Thatcher's funeral.

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