Friday 29 April 2011

NaPoWriMo. Day 29. Poem 29. The Good Die Curious


The Arch Bishop of Canterbury
was at my poetry gig last night
he walked into the room with the smell
of incense on his white gown
hung around his thin body, and a big
purple wizard hat on his head.

A poem was read about gravity
being an over-rated phenomenon


He cheered joyously
waving his golden stick around
stroking his beard
like it was a white cloud
grown around his mouth.

The bouncers asked him to calm down.

He apologised and blessed them
with a glass of tap water.


This morning I woke
with the feeling of travelling.
I could either read a book
or go for a walk.

The streets were warm
under my feet.

I saw a little boy on a scooter
rolling past a small shop, painted black.

a placard was put up outside


me and the boy stopped outside
and stared through the black windows.

Life should walk in there and ask
to speak to the manager
said the boy.

We could have done that... but we didn’t
we just looked at each other
admiring our youth.


On the same road I came across another shop.
It was boarded up and painted bronze.

A sign was painted in big white letters on the door.

Haircuts £4

Then below in brackets it said

(FREE Hair Cuts For The Homeless. You don’t need to look good for anyone except God)

I wondered if Jesus ever used conditioner in his hair,
Maybe, but
I doubt sacrifice ever smelt like Citrus Fruit.

1 comment:

  1. "purple wizard hat" and "blessed them with a glass of tap water". Memorable.
